Request for Public Records
You may request public records by using the online form below or click here to download the Request for Public Records form.
For instructions to request public records click here.
STEP 1: COMPLETE all fields on this form. This form facilitates and expedites the processing of your public records request. Describe identifiable records in the possession of Metro Cities Fire Authority; your request must be sufficiently focused and specific to locate the requested record (s).
STEP 2: SUBMIT completed form by mail, email, or in-person to the Clerk of the Board, Metro Cities Fire Authority, 201 S Anaheim Blvd., Suite 302, Anaheim, CA 92805;
STEP 3: WAIT to receive a response from Metro Cities Fire Authority. Metro Cities Fire Authority shall determine within ten days from receipt of a public records request whether the request in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in possession of the Metro Cities Fire Authority [GC 7927.535(a)]. Please note if you are requesting the opportunity to inspect records, you will be asked to make an appointment to return to view the documents. Charges for the direct cost of duplication will apply. Documents will not be copied until payment has been received. If payment is not received within 20 days after the invoice is sent, you may be required to submit a new request.